STX offers sterilizers and autoclaves from industry leaders to meet your most demanding applications. Call us today 877-522-7927.

Bactizapper™ Research Microsterilizer
The BactiZapper™ Classic uses well-proven technology to provide instant sterilization of platinum inoculating loops, needles, glass tube/pipette mouths and various metal & borosilicate glass instruments used in the laboratory. An asbestos-free core element uses infrared heating to produce temperatures of 815°C (1500°F), to completely sterilize instruments in 5-7 seconds. A lower temperature setting (500°C) can be used as a “standby” and extends usable life.
The ceramic heating element is safely enclosed in a perforated stainless steel guard chamber, protecting users from accidental contact with the extreme temperatures of the core area. It is extremely compact, convenient and can be used in anaerobic and aerobic chambers. Accessories available for drying slides and holding instruments in the chamber. For Research Use Only. Not intended for medical or hospital use.

Benchmark Micro Bead Research Sterilizers, With Glass Beads
Benchmark’s Micro Bead Sterilizer is ideal for the sterilization of small research tools (forceps, scissors,etc.). When the chamber is filled with the included glass beads, high temperatures (up to 300°C) can be used to eliminate the presence of bacteria, spores and other microorganisms. Supplied with beads. Replacement beads sold separately. For Research Use Only. Not intended for medical or hospital use.

Bioclave™ Research Autoclaves
Despite the space-saving exterior dimensions of the Bioclaves, the stainless steel chambers are surprisingly large, accommodating a variety of liquids, media, instruments, glassware, plasticware, and other common research laboratory items. Available in 8L, 18L, and 28L chamber volumes, these benchtop models include a mechanical and electrical safety interlock that prevents the door from being opened until the pressure has reached zero PSI.
With a large digital LCD display and fully automatic operation, all segments of the cycle (fill, sterilize, exhaust, and dry) commence and run to completion by simply pressing the start button. An optional thermal mini-printer is also available for providing a record of sterilization parameters and a USB drive can be used to record settings and transfer them to a PC.
The 8-liter BioClave Mini is preprogrammed to meet basic sterilization needs. Temperature can be selected at either 121°C or 134°C, and the sterilization time is fully adjustable. The economical BioClave Mini is the ideal choice wherever benchtop sterilization is required and space is limited.
BioClave 18L and 28L Models offer preset cycle options (standard programs), for use with liquids, wrapped research instruments, or unwrapped instruments/plasticware. An additional option “Dry Only” is also available for additional drying time to be added to the end of a cycle. For special applications, requiring variations in cycle parameters, all settings are fully adjustable. The Bioclave 28L features an increased chamber size with a diameter of 32cm. With this larger internal chamber, the BioClave 28 is our only model capable of sterilizing 1 and 2 liters flasks (and bottles). Despite the increased chamber size, the unit is still relatively compact, suitable for benchtop use.

UV Clave™ Ultraviolet Chamber For Research Use Only
Short-wave UV light is an effective method for the disinfection of surface DNA, RNA and microorganisms. With the UVClave chamber, highly focused UV irradiation is used to disinfect tools, vessels and other research items, eliminating up to 99% of surface contamination.
Unlike most UV chambers, the UV Clave includes powerful UV-C bulbs on both the top and bottom of the chamber. When combined with our proprietary shelf that allows for >90% of UV-C light transmission and highly reflective chamber walls, the result is true 360° exposure with no blind spots.
Exposure time is adjustable. An optional heating cycle can be added to assist in drying items that may have been washed or chemically disinfected prior to insertion.
To protect users, the integrated auto shut-off prevents illumination when the door is open. Optional indicators are available to test for proper exposure levels.