STX Knowledge Base
Welcome to the STX Knowledge base. Here you will find white papers on laboratory Design/Build, laboratory analytical equipment, our TechVan mobile labs and other products and services from STX.
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Gas Chromatography
Selecting a GC Liner to Decrease Column Trim Frequency
Blood Alcohol Analysis with the Integrated Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler on 8890 GC-Dual FID System
Development and Validation of GC/TQ Methods for the Analysis of Hazardous Chemicals
Water VOC Analysis with Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler, Intuvo 9000 GC, 5977B GC/MSD
Liquid Chromatography
Reaction Monitoring of a Temperature Dependent Ester Hydrolysis
An Automated Sampling System for Online Monitoring as a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Tool
High-Performance Biopharma Analysis
Resolution and Speed in the Separation of Glycans
Convenient and Reliable Analysis of Antibody Drug Conjugates